7 Steps Project


 A very special project by jazz master Antoni Donchev with Bulgarian vocal art. In a very unorthodox way, Donchev combines in this project free sounds and jazz improvisation with the Bulgarian voices. Musical layers and tensions, sound frictions and interactions emerge. Although the project features excellent soloists who are in constant musical movement, the flow of the music is always polyphony. An exciting, constantly with unexpected twists and turns, music that is freely directed and created by a master of sound – Antoni Donchev.

ANTONI DONCHEV Quartet (Bulgaria)

Antoni Donchevpaino
Rossen Zaharievtrumpet
Pavel Terziiskivocals
Martin Hafizidrums

Donchevs compositions are like imaginary landscapes – chambermusic atmospheres. Antoni Donchev is looking for the space between the spaces – the microcosmos of sounds. This new project of Anton Donchev is more lyrical and in the same time open and experimental to the sound. 

EVA QUARTET (Bulgaria)

Gergana Dimitrovasoprano
Sofia Yanevamezzo-soprano
Evelina Christovaalto
Daniela Stoitchkovacontralto

The Eva Quartet consists of some of the best Bulgarian female voices – the four young solo singers after a strong selection from thousand applicants) of the world famous female folk choir “Le Mystere des Voix Bulgares“.
Here the different voices are meeting in such a virtuosity that you are getting the feeling of listening to just one voice. The group was spontaneously  founded by the four women in 1995 and is worldwide active more more then 25 years.
They are looking for the purety and primarity of the song while reading tradition in a very modern and varied way.